Responsibilities and Accountability of Off-Duty Police Officers

Police represent the civil authority of a government. Unlike ordinary citizens, they carry a great deal of risk since they are responsible for protecting lives and property by enforcing the law, ensuring public order and safety, and detecting, investigating, and preventing criminal acts. Given their enormous responsibility, police, unfortunately, do not have the luxury of time even if they have already punched a time card “out” or are on a vacation somewhere in the tropics. Police, sometimes known as cops, remain bound by the existing rules and regulations set forth by the government.

Responsibilities of Off-Duty Police Officers

Cops in the United Kingdom are anticipated to uphold their dignity, among many other things. That said, police officers are to behave in an exemplary manner and beyond reproach at all times. They should always obey the laws he is entrusted to enforce and preserve. They are supposed to set a good example among citizens and fulfill their responsibilities all the time even when off duty. They should behave that would not bring any discredit or disgrace to the department where they belong. Officers need to be accountable for their actions, may they be good or bad.

An off-duty cop should carry their firearms and are highly expected to exercise their authority when necessary. Despite British police being known worldwide as unarmed, this is inaccurate. Figures from the Home Office showed only 6,653 of the entire police force were armed. Generally speaking, the use of firearms by UK police is regulated and restricted to certain specialized units. The existing policy states police officers are allowed to bring their weapons only when necessary and after all the traditional methods have been exhausted. Not to mention they need to consider the target’s life even before firing warning shots.

All told, police officers that are not on duty must leave or secure their arms off the premises if he decides to drink alcohol or any intoxicating beverage. The same principle applies if they are consuming alcoholic beverages at the cop’s residence. The point is police officers must drink responsibly and in moderation. Of course, indulgence in alcohol is prohibited. Not only does police drinking while at work merit a disciplinary offense but engaging in such an activity is frowned upon by authorities and the people alike, and too much alcohol may lead to occupational health hazards.

How Off-Duty Police Officers Deal with Violations

Illegal activities are classified as minor violations or serious offenses. A minor violation refers to an illicit act that does not cause serious harm to the general public. Normally, they are considered temporary and the crime is committed unintentionally. Aside from that, it does not constitute a major violation. Conversely, a major violation pertains to a serious offense that is punishable by imprisonment if a person or entity is proven guilty. Both violations are penalized by the law, depending on the extent of the criminal act.

Police officers not engaged in work must report any suspected or observed criminal activity to a fellow officer on duty although they are not called for work. Off-duty cops still have powers yet they are barred from using them in the event of minor violations. If they encounter any minor misdemeanor, they are required to report the incident to on-duty personnel. An off-duty officer is prohibited from arresting, issuing warnings, or making citations to traffic violators on sight unless they are driving a marked police vehicle. Police officers who are not on the job, however, are anticipated to take appropriate action in the event a violation is dangerous.

In the case of a serious offense, off-duty police officers are authorized by the law to utilize powers of arrest to apprehend a suspect or avert a crime from happening. To do so, the cops must not be involved in any way and carry their police identification with them all the time. But they are restricted from wielding their authority to handle personal grievances except in instances that warrant self-defense or prevent injury. It is also applicable when a major violation would justify the arrest of an individual.

When Off-Duty Police Officers Break the Law

Britain’s existing rules and regulations allow constituents to file a complaint against the police whether or not they are reporting for work. They can bring a civil action or seek damages from the police officer in question for any misconduct that resulted in injuries or losses. No matter how big or small the transgression is, constituents may report how a certain crime report was dealt with, the police handled the situation, or the police authority was applied. The sooner the citizens complain, the better, and law enforcers are given lead time to gather more evidence.

Those seeking financial compensation should directly negotiate with the concerned police officer. Civil proceedings can be initiated for settlement if the parties involved are unable to reach an agreement or middle ground. For complaints about a cop’s attitude, they may be subjected to a disciplinary or management process based on the scope of the allegation. If necessary, the authorities will impose sanctions. In any way, it is recommended to consult a lawyer for legal advice.

If officials find the off-duty police officer guilty of committing an offense, disciplinary actions will be carried out. These include a written warning, suspension, dismissal without notice, or a reduction in rank. Alternatively, an officer may be subjected to a fact-finding process to reflect on how they can improve their performance moving forward. Supervising officers may identify gaps in policies or offer advice to the officer in trouble.


Whether or not the police officer is on call, they are expected to honor their duty in any circumstance. Cops should acceptably conduct themselves, abide by the law or regulations, respect authority, and avoid undermining public confidence. Even if they have not clocked in or are already out of office, policemen must exercise their responsibilities. Those who are out of duty should not attend to any criminal act unless a perilous situation calls for it or if the scenario is reasonable and proportionate. In the same token, any illicit or inappropriate action of a police officer is punishable by law.

This article was prepared by the Association Against Abuse of Police Powers and Privileges (AAAPPP), a UK not-for-profit organisation specializing in assisting victims of abuse of power and corruption in the UK Police.